If you play a contact sport, you know the importance of wearing padding. Without it, the sport would be far less enjoyable, more dangerous, and far more painful. However, protective gear for a contact sport should also include a mouthguard to protect teeth and the mouth from sudden, jarring collisions. Neglecting a mouthguard, on the… Read more »
Posts Categorized: General Dentistry
Austin Dentist Explains the Benefits of Dental Implants
Tooth loss is traumatic. Your smile looks and operates its best when all of your teeth are present, and losing even one can throw your entire bite off balance and have other negative impacts on your oral health. Luckily, there are myriad options for you to replace your lost teeth, whether you’ve lost one, some,… Read more »
Healthy Smile Tips from Your Austin General Dentist
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is not a difficult process, but it does require diligence on your part, as well as regular professional maintenance. While brushing and flossing your teeth are essential, simply running your brush across your teeth and flossing only when you feel something between your teeth will not prove very effective… Read more »
Austin Dentist Discusses Morning Breath Causes and Cures
Chances are, you don’t enjoy having bad breath. Unfortunately, it is still a part of the morning for most people, and for some, it may be a problem that affects more than just the start of their day. If you brush and floss your teeth every morning, then you can mostly eliminate your morning breath… Read more »
Austin Family Dentist Wants to Discuss Your Heart Health
February marks American Heart Month, dedicated to raising awareness of the dangers of heart disease. Keeping your heart healthy, however, is a lifelong practice. So what does your dental health have to do with your cardiovascular wellbeing? More than you may think, actually. A plethora of studies examining oral-systemic health (the relationship between your oral… Read more »
How Amazing is the Human Tongue?
You may not consider your tongue when you ponder your oral health care, but the truth is that the muscle is as vital as your teeth and gums when it comes to your mouth’s health and function. Not only does your tongue allow you to eat and speak clearly, it can also warn you of… Read more »
Austin Dentist Explores the Damages of Gum Disease
Chances are that you’ve heard of gum disease. In fact, there is also a good chance that gum disease has affected you or someone you know. Approximately 80% of adults in America have gum disease to some degree, from mild gingivitis to severe periodontitis. The infection begins with the excessive formation of plaque, which consists… Read more »
Austin Dentist Explains What Makes a Tooth Hurt
Most of us have, at one point or another, felt the discomfort of a sensitive tooth. While a toothache can have a number of different causes, the pain can often be debilitating regardless of its origin. Even if you could ignore it, however, you never should; for all of its possible causes, a toothache indicates… Read more »
Hey, Gums, Where are You Going?
Many people seem to be under the impression that gum disease is a natural occurrence and should be considered inevitable. Granted, gum disease is common; around 80% of adults in America have some form of the chronic disease, and it remains the number one cause of adult tooth loss. However, its prevalence among us does… Read more »
Austin Dentist Explores the Usefulness of Baking Soda
If dentistry had superstars, baking soda would be on the A-list. Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda has many uses outside of dental care, from cleaning multiple surfaces throughout your house to eliminating offensive odors. Its myriad uses, however, do not diminish its effectiveness at keeping your teeth clean and healthy. In times past,… Read more »