If you put off dental appointments until you experience discomfort, malfunction, or tooth loss, your oral health will suffer. Breakage, decay, and missing teeth can also negatively impact your appearance. Dr. Van Wicklen has the skill and training to restore your teeth and renew your smile. With full-mouth rehabilitation, we will identify the best treatments to improve dental health and generate a functional, vibrant smile.
The Whole Package
Also called full mouth rehabilitation, full-mouth restoration entails repairing most of your teeth and replacing those you have lost. The full-mouth restoration process combines cosmetic and restorative treatments to re-establish the proper relationship between your teeth, gums, bone tissue, and related muscles. Utilizing the highest quality materials and state of the art procedures such as CEREC crowns, dental implants, and white fillings, Dr. Van Wicklen can give you back a reason to smile.
It’s About You
In preparation for full-mouth restoration, Dr. Van Wicklen will determine if you have pain, talk with you about your concerns, and find out what you want to achieve with your dental treatment. We will then complete a thorough evaluation, which may involve X-rays and a tooth-by-tooth inspection. After assessing your current situation, Dr. Van Wicklen will discuss his recommendations, answer questions, and explain the time and financial commitment involved with full-mouth restoration.